Saturday, April 04, 2009

Looks like Sarah Palin will have to speak out against the media once again.
The Palin name has once again been dragged through the mud once more. It seems, Palin's sister-in-law, has been arrested on charges of robbery. She is said to have broken into a man's home and tried to steal money (it was no longer located in the same hiding spot). Better Yet, she brought he four-year old daughter with her.

Her almost Son-In-Law appeared on the Tyra Banks show to discuss his sex life with the Palin daughter-CLASSY. In the interview, he predicted that Gov. Palin was aware that they were sleeping together saying "Mom's are pretty smart."

In Dec, Levi's mother was arrested on Drug charges.

If this were me, or you, or anyone else, people would have no problem attaching the label of white trash and thinking nothing of it. Such a label would be considered fitting and justified. Yet, when such words are used in reference to Palin, it is considered "Liberal's name calling..."

Though, I must admit, the media does live to give the family as much negative publicity as possible and over sensationalizes any story that could possibly be related back to Palin. They have already extended to in-laws-what's next, the family doctor? The vet?

Despite all her bitching, I think Palin likes the publicity...I feel like she has grown accustom to the public eye, and isn't ready to go back to obscurity yet.


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