Friday, April 20, 2007

This is not what religion looks like. I am not incrediably religious by any strech, but it sickens me to the core to think that these "people" if you can even call them that, would have the nerve to classify themselves as Christians. Relgion gets enough flack as it is, the last thing we need is this group making things worse.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The recent shooting at Virginia Tech. has been on many people's minds the past few days. Students at colleges across the nation have expressed grief over the situation, regardless of whether they knew anyone at the school or not. What is most disturbing over the situation is that despite the grief many people feel toward the situation, others are using the incident to further perpetuate hate.
The horrific act that occurred at VT was an act of a disturbed young man, who happened to be Asian, it was not performed by someone representative of Asian people. An article in The New York Times discusses how many Korean Americans are afraid of becoming a new target. One student already reported being spit on and taunted at school as result of the shooting. Following Sept. 11, Arab Americans were not the only people who faced prejudice, many people from the Middle East or India, regardless of religion, were attack. Even Spanish people, mistaken for being Arab because of their skin color were also targets of discrimination and hate. I worry that this will happen in this case, with people of Asian descent being punished for the acts of this one individual.
I find it deplorable that people would respond to such a tragedy with hateful acts. I don't understand how people can find comfort in spreading hate following such a tragedy.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The above article is another piece on the University loan situation. I admit, the media is getting a little obsessed with this issue, however as a college student directly affected by these scams, I am biased, and it angers me. The article above discusses how Sallie Mae and others, offered universities money to leave the direct loan or Stamford loan programs. These programs are the federally funded student loans. Apparently, as the article explains, as there are two federal loan programs, the universities decide which one to participate in. what makes this situation even more sickening than the original announcement is that while private loan companies such as Citibank and Sallie Mae offer similar rates, federal programs offer much cheaper rates. While the difference between private and government loans may seem insignificant (about 2 percent) the difference is huge when you are taking loans out in the thousands. Also, private loans like Sallie Mae start charging interest from the get go, where as federal loans don't start charging interest until after you graduate* excluding of course parent plus loans, which require borrowers to start paying at the end of the year they borrowed. Of course, Pace University is mentioned in this article as well. According to the article, the University was offered 4 mil to abandon the Direct Loan, and they passed it up, but later left it anyway.
I can't even imagine how much worse my debt would be if I had only could get outside loans. Shame on you Sallie Mae.

Friday, April 13, 2007

As I drag my heels through my last month (where did the time go?) of college, I wonder, was it worth it? Is college necessary? I mean is it really necessary, or has society just forced us to think it's necessary? These days, there are so many jobs that you can't get without a college degreee. Some jobs, which at other times required very little schooling. Worse, a BA/BS is nothing these days, everyone has them. Now many jobs require a master's or PHD, but in the end, what does it all mean?
I look over the past four years, and I can't help but ask myself, what did I learn? What skills have I really obtained? It would be unfair to place all the burden of my skilllessness on my University or the education systems as a whole, as much of the blame is mine. Yet, I can't help but feel like college is overrated. In an article in The Pace Press, an administrator said, that while we don't like to think of it that way, a college is a business.
Okay, so this isn't an earth shattering announcement. They take our money in exchange for percieved services. But the more I think about it, the more I can't help but feel that college is just a big scam that everyone is in on.
Think about it. Most kids, and it is getting worse now, are primed for college from the get go. University bookstores sell infant onesies(sp?) with slogans expressing the desire to go to the university(Please, at one-years old, the kid wants to make it through the day with out barfing on himself); six-year olds are running around in Yale sweatshirts. Parents pray, whine, and fight for spot's for their children in exclusive preschools. They pay extra money to have their children take all sorts of extarcurricular's to "build their resume", signing them up for mandarin lessons, the newest trend, so they can be competive in today's global economy.
Then high school hits. And every kid has to take A.P. classees, so there comes more money for books and the test. Then comes the S.A.T. tests and of course you NEED to spend $600 for S.A.T. so we can figure out how to take the test which is supposed to measure our appitude. Then you pay more money to take the damn thing, and cough up more money to send your scores out, if god for bid, you haven't decided on your life goals at 16 when you take the test and don't know what school your going to. Notice that college board monopolizes both A.P. and s.a.t. and CLEP etc. Then more money to apply....all this money before you even pay a cent for tuition.
Then they slam you with extra fees: special course fees, activiry fees, insurance, manditory meal plans and over priced books in the bookstore.
Then just when you think that they could rape you anymore, you get your financial aid packet, and realize "crap! I need to take out a loan."
Then on top of the loan companies making a killing off of you with their 8.5 percent rates on your loan. Then comes the icing on the cake. As if your school isn't jacking enough of your money as it is, they come up with deals with loan companies to promote their company in exchange for money and stock.
I am not against education or learning. I am in favor of both, actually. Some how knowledge and college have become completly unrelated.
I am about to graduate, and all I can think is...I've been striving my whole life for THIS?

So, what do you think???

Tuesday, April 03, 2007 asked if rich countries have an obligation to help poor countries cope with global warming?

March 31st,20079:13 pm
The NYT will always make up a problem when one does not exist. Anything to report on a negative topic. Never anything positive to say. Gets old.
— Posted by john canington

Apparently, According to Canington, there is nothing to be alarmed about. Well, glad to be updated on that.

In other unrelated reader opinion news, in a blog on the website of hip-hop magazine XXL, one reader declared that rapper (lil') Bow Wow was better than veteran rapper Nas, saying that BW's music was better than everything from "I am " and after.
To which, another reader responded: "Anyone who thinks lil' Bow Wow is better than Nas should go kill themselves."
While the response was harsh, it made me laugh, and my day.

Circuit City fired people who were "making too much money" as in 10-20 an hour=20-40K a year. They fired these people, so they could hire younger, unexperienced people and pay them less for the same job. The reasoning was it was costing too much. Now these people need to find new jobs so they don't lose their house. I somehow doubt that the "Big guys" are living check to check...more likely they are living in luxary.
But, hey who cares if joe shmoe has a home, as long as they have a mansion in three states.

Yeah, this is why as materialistic and selfish as I am/can be, I could never be a business person.
Although, the way things are going with the job hunt, I might wind up a bag lady.

Circuit City fired people who were "making to much money" as in 10-20 an hour=20-40K a year. They fired these people, so they could hire younger, unexperienced people and pay them less for the same job. The reasoning was it was costing too much. Now these people need to find new jobs so they don't lose their house. I some how doubt that the "Big guys" are living check to check...more likely living in luxary.
But, hey who cares if joe shmoe has a home, as long as they have a mansion in three states.

Yeah, this is why as materialistic and selfish as I am/can be, I could never be a business person.
Although, the way things are going with the job hunt, I might wind up a bag lady.