Thursday, April 30, 2009

I LoVE Duchebags

Today, while riding the subway I noticed three young guys standing together in a group. Upon first glance, I found them attractive (well, at least 2/3 of them, dude number 3 had his back to me). I had a book with me, but was unable to concentrate, as their conversation was rather distracting , being within earshot,(Yeah, I'm crazy nosy, what!)I overheard their conversation. Upon hearing it, it was confirmed that these individuals were duchebags ie: the kind of guy I (stupidly) would be attracted to.
Not only did they swear every other word, but they had an extended conversation about one of the guys interactions with a "prude bitch" who didn't want to give him head ("dude, I've known her for five years, and she's never even touched my d***, I talked her into giving me a hand job but she wouldn't give me head..." ). YUCK. They then went on to hate on their friend who was spending time with relatives from Uruguay instead of them "Dude, what are you gonna do with your family?" ::Sigh:: Why are all the remotely attractive dudes schmucks? Hmmm?
I need to stop being shallow. 'Til then I will continue being the duchebag lover. "A" is right, I need to start going to church, and bag a choir boy...

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