Monday, May 04, 2009

Lookin' Back, Lookin' Back Look-in' Baack
I always get internally reflective and nostalgic as I get older. Yesterday, I got to thinking about Birthday's of the past, and I starting thinking about my thirteenth birthday. Aside from the shock that that was over a decade ago, I felt a longing to go back. That was such a great birthday.Deff one of my favorites. I remember at the time, my mother was working in the bake shop at Stop N Shop. That day they were collecting for Food For Friends. At every entrance Stop N Shop employees were collecting money or food to stock the food pantry. On that day my best friend S and my cousin V were running one of the entrances. I remember how much fun we had goofing around and collecting food and money donations. We didn't goof off too much though, we made sure to get donations. In fact, we collected more food and money that day then all the other volunteers put together. Who could resist the charm of three adorable peepy 13-year old girls? Then we hung at my house until all my other friends game over a sleepover. Not that there was much sleeping going on. But there was lots of laughter, junk food, rap music, and of course-the Ouji Board. Oh, teenie bopper birthdays-How I miss you!!

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