Sunday, May 03, 2009

How Do You Measure a Year?
I turn 24 in two hours. I have been dreading this day for months. I'm 366 days away from my quarter life crisis!! Sans the short-lived magazine experience at Cottages and Gardens Publications, 23, like 22 before it, was insignificant. I see so many people my age and younger who are doing things with their lives. Whether they are moving forward in their careers, exploring cultures of the world, or starting their families, they seem to know where they are going in life. Even if they don't know WHERE they are going, they are taking an interesting journey to get there. I'm not traveling to Spain or joining the peace core,. I haven't published a book or written a Novel. I am not auditioning for a reality television show or going to graduate school. So what the hell am I doing?

What I want for my birthday is to get my act together. While I am hoping for some advancement/direction on the career front, I want to get it together on a personal level. As in I want to stop being such a train wreck/hot ass mess.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Hey Girl...I'm with you!!! Let's start moving our feet!! :) HAPPPPY BDAY!