Thursday, February 19, 2009

Okay, at this point it seems EVERYONE and their mother has weighed in on this whole Chris Brown and Rhianna situation: Roseanne Bar, Jay-z, Terrance Howard, reporters and bloggers across the country. And now, i must jump on the band wagon and insert my two cents. n alleged photo of Rhianna, revealing her bruises from the alleged attack have recently been posted on gossip site The pictures themselves are disturbing, but what's further disturbing is that they are even posted at all.

Ever since the announcement on Grammy Night, that police were seeking Chris Brown on charges of assault and criminal threats, the media has been in a frenzy. Frankly, I find it all sickening. A google news search of Chris Brown finds over 35,000 hits. The thing that annoys me about the constant media frenzy is that the media is having a field day w/o any facts. This evident from the various accounts of the situation reported in the media: He punched her, he bit her, he choked her and threatened to kill her, it started because she punched him first, it started over a text, they fought because she gave him an std....the variations are never ending.

My annoyance at the situation isn't the gripe of a Chris Brown Lovin' Group chick, angered that he's being caste in a bad light. He deserves the bad press for abusing his girlfirend. What angers me is that the media is making money sensationalizing the story. A young woman was bruitalized and the media is seeing dollar signs. The Tmz picture is disgusting and tactless.
Equally as repulsive was the fact that MTV aired a documentary last week "Chris Brown and Rhianna Love in trouble." How they made a documentary on situation when facts haven't been released from sources of any authority is beyond me-but go on MTV, make a buck. (Toya's World discusses this as well).MTV has generated a string of non-news news stories surrounding the event.

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