Tuesday, September 02, 2008

This morning, while downing my morning java and channel surfing, I passed a political talk show. Like all the other media, the Republican Campaign and specifically, Sarah Palin, were the topic of discussion.
Yesterday, Palin announced that her 17 year old daughter was five months pregnant, and was planning on keeping the baby. There are several interesting factors about this. First, is the fact that Palin, like many republicans is pro-life and anti-sex education, opting instead for "Abstinence only" education. Supporters of that program have cited teen pregnancies as proof that sex-education doesn't work, so what does this prove?
I wonder how this will effect the campaign?Undeniably, the democrats will use that against Palin while I imagine many republicans and die-hard McCain Supporters will look the other way at this mishap. If so, how many would be so forgiving if it was one of Barack Obama's daughters?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very True Girl :) All the controversy around her daughter being pregnant. It's nuts...I think people will continue to dive into the canidates personal lives rather than research their motives and policies as president and vice president...sadly, many people base their opinions not on fact but on gender, race, age, name, family past...etc.

Look forward to your next post