Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve/Day is so overrated. For most of us, it is just another day to party or feel like a schmuck for not partying. It is a time for making resolutions we often have no intention of keeping.
"I'm going to lose 10 pounds!"
"I'm going to the gym every day!"
"I'm giving up smoking"
January 1 often marks the day that people start their diet. They eat salads, jog, go to the gym, trade their coffee in for green tea. It's the day they head to their local drug store stock up on Nicotine gum and patches, in attempt to kick the butt to the curb. By March, many of these people will have said "F**k it!" and light up "just once" or eaten chocolate cake. Treadmills and assorted fitness gadgets ("How the hell does this thing work anyway?") have begun starting to collect dust or become lost in the underworld beneath the bed or that "random stuff drawer" and guilt begins to set at teh realization that a resolution has been broken again.
Despite this, there is something about New Year's. While I am hardly the party girl and feel stressed and pressured to do something major on NYE, I do enjoy the concept of fresh start. Technically, every day is a fresh start, as Anne Shirley would say "Tommorow is Fresh w/ no mistakes in it!" But still having a date and time table to achieve certain goals in.
I guess my goal for 2010 is to gain some direction. Not just in my career aspirations,, but in general.I need to figure out : What do I want? And How to get it. Oh, and I need to allow myself to believe that I am able and deserving to get it.
So welcome 2010, Here's looking at you, Kid.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Friday, September 04, 2009


Star of the Week

The Associated Press recently ran a story on a homeless girl living in a Wal-mart parking lot who recently obtained an internship at Elle Magazine. In an interview with she denies that she is being exploited by the fashion magazine, insisting that she has been given a great opportunity. Rather than harp on the fact that she is getting paid 150/month for 24 hrs of work, she points out that interns usually don't get paid at all and that the editor is doing her a great service by giving her special hours and commuting time.
Kudos to her for the positivity and the ambition.
Reminds me of a younger-childless version of the Pursuit of Happyness.
If she can still be ambitious, then there is no excuse for the rest of us. (Specifically me)

Thursday, September 03, 2009

WTF Moment Deep Look: Roxanne's Revenge hoax

I love In late August, The New York Daily News posted a story about an 80s rapper who transformed from a pregnant teenager in the projects to an doctor with an IVy league degree. The story focused on 80s rap star Roxanne Shante, who at 14 earned fame for her 1984 single "Roxanne's Revenge." This song was released a year before i was even born, so while she is way before my time, this story is bizare and intriguing. The article tells how the teenage-mother rapper was screwed out of royaltys and stressed out living in the projects of Queens Bridge. In the article, the rapper claims that she had a contract with record label Warner Music, which binds the label to pay for her education for life. According to the article, Shante had to battle with her record label to get them to pay but eventually won. She received an undergraduate degree in Marymount Manhattan and a PHd in Psychology from Cornell, all funded by Warner Music. The article includes a quote from Russel Simmons (not to the NYDN) about "Dr. Shante's" accomplishment. It goes on to say that sh according to this story reported by slate.e is now practicing in New York.
However, a recent report by Slate shows this
Cinderella story to be nothing more than a fairy tale.
In his story, Slate reporter Ben Sheffner uncovers the sham. The Slate article revealed:
That she doesn't have a PHD
She never enrolled at Cornell
Ny has no record of her practicing psychology
She was enrolled at Marymount for a semester but never graduated
While Shante later admitted to Slate that she doesn't have a PHd she still calls her self a doctor. Also, Warner Music claims in the slate article that although NYDN claims to have contacted them for contact, no such contact was ever made. Despite a lack of proof to confirm her story Shante insists that her education was paid for by Warner and "an annoymous doner". She insists that she attend both schools, clarifying that she earned a masters not a PHd. She insists that she registered under a false name b/c of domestic violence issues and possibly filled out the application wrong.
Um, you are smart enough to get a masters from Cornell, but not smart enough to fill an application correctly?
She also suggested that there was a computer error. The whole story was strange
Is this a "Jason Blair" affair on a smaller level...or was the NYDN reporter taken for a ride?
As an aspiring journalist the story upsets me. The NYDN has Miss Shante quoting the dean of Marymount claiming she helped Shante fight to get the money from Warner. Shouldn't the dean have been called to confirm this fact and give a direct quote? this whole story baffles me because, while I am sure that people who grew up listening to her music remember her, but I'm sure many have forgotten her or never knew in the first place? What purpose does this serve to Shante? Or the reporter? Such a random made-up story...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Hills are Alive...with the Soul of MJ??

Despite making a fool of herself during her performance of "Body Language" at Miss Universe a few weeks ago, Hills "star" Heidi Montag has no shortage of confidence. MTV news reports on her latest comments

In an interview with "The Hills: The After Show" host Jessi Cruickshank, Montag said she was on par with Jackson, with Pratt calling his wife "the new, modern-day, 2010 Michael Jackson."

Pratt continues that with Jackson's death, Heidi might now be possessed with Jackson's "divine spirit," adding that Heidi is "way bigger" than Jackson. "Michael Jackson's in heaven," he said. "The Holy Spirit now has extra Michael Jackson juice, so boom! For all we know, Heidi gets possessed with some of that Michael Jackson divine spirit.>

It wasn't enough that she was bigger than Britney and Lady Gag now shes bigger than MJ? Sheesh...btw...I thought they were possessed by the devil and that's why they left "I'm a Celebrity get me out of here" now she's possessed by MJ?
Someone get them an exorcist! or a good shrink...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

So, just for fun, I decided to take an online world history test and failed majorly. I need to read a book or 2(hundred).
I watched the MJ Memorial today and cried a few times. Particularly, during the appearances by Brooke, Stevie and daughter Paris. I don't think Paris was exploited. Nor do I think I think she "faked it" as some bloggers have suggested. I also think this whole "he's not the father" shit. The kids are all old enough to read and understand these headlines. Whether he is their biological father is irrelevant. He was the only parent they ever knew, and now he's gone. People should back off.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

What do These Kids Listen to these Days?

Yesterday while riding in the car to the beach Z100 was playing. Almost every song that played on the radio made me think "Eeeeeew, what is this?" When you listen to top 40 radio and think "Damn, this sucks" (having grown up on it) You're officially getting old. Lately, sans "Knock me Down" by Ms. Keri Hilson and some less famous neyo Soul acts discovered via ITunes...My Ipod has been dominated by MJ/J5 and various 90s-early 2000 music. For every current hit...I have atleast 20 old school tracks.

I'm an old lady!!

Friday, July 03, 2009

Parents, You're supposed to be the adults here!

CNN reports that a Long Island Social worker a posted a sexually suggestive ad giving the name and phone number of a nine year old girl.
According to CNN, Margery Tannenbaum posted the ad to seek revenge against the minor after a dispute between her and Tannenbaum.
The nine year old girl's mother claimed to have received 40 phone calls, 22 in one day, all from men unaware that they were calling a nine year old girl.
Earlier this week, the Myspace Mom, Lori Drew, was acquitted. In this case, the mother posted a fake Myspace page posing as a teenage boy. The "teenage boy" had a "relationship" with a young girl who attended school with the woman's daughter. The woman claimed to have made the fake Myspace page to find out if the other teenager was gossiping about her daughter. The mother took it a step further by having the teenage boy dump the young girl and tell her the world would be better off without her. As a mother of a teenage girl, she had to know how sensitive they tend to be. Teenagers, especially girls, tend to make bigger productions of things then necessary. Knowing this, she had to be aware that making such a statement could very well have pushed the young girl over the edge. How can a mother feel good about causing a teenager girl to commit suicide? Further, a teenage girl who's mother was a close friend? A lack of laws revolving cyber-bulling allowed Drew to get away this. Regardless of the law her actions were disgusting
Both of these stories involved mothers going to extreme lengths to prevent their child from being bullied. When I was a kid, in most cases, bullying and being picked on was part of life and something I handled on my own. Admittedly, in second grade there was an incident where my mother become involved after I was harassed on the bus. But in this case, my mother called the other mother and talked the matter over. That is what adults do. They talk things out.
Parents are supposed to be the adults. Role Models. Posing as a boy and dumping an enemy or posting a sexually suggestive post are stunts I would expect from an immature 12 year-old girl-NOT HER MOTHER. Seriously, ladies GROW UP.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Michael Jackson Media Overload: Blame it on ME!

I was getting my haircut at my local salon when the shocking announcement was broadcast on the radio: "We have very sad news, reports pop star Michael Jackson is dead at age 50".

At first, before they declared cardiac arrest as the cause, I though this was just a sick joke. Jackson has been the punch line for everyone for years, I figured that was all this was,but alas, it wasn't a joke or wild rumor-it was a fact. Upon realizing this, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I felt sadder then I ever would have imagined I'd feel about the death of someone who I really didn't know. I almost cried in the chair, which made feel more than foolish as, I don't Micheal at all.
Since his death, his face, songs, memories, and scandals have been every where. And while criticism has been high, as has the mocking, I felt a sense of comfort in knowing that I was not the only fan mourning his loss as though he were a friend.

Despite his odd behavior, strange appearance and the scandalous gossip that has surround him through out his career (particularly in the last 15 years) his music and memories are such a part of my childhood. I remember watching his music video and live performances of "Smooth Criminal" in 88-89 when it was new. I remember being awed by his moonwalk and anti-gravity lean. I remember flipping to MTV, only hopping to catch a Jackson video and being filled with disappointment to find Bon Jovi instead. I was the only person I knew who bought his 2001 album Invincible, a shame because it was great. And while his death has thrown me in MJ Overdrive, his music has been regularly playing on my IPOD forever. Dirty Diana is among my 25 most played tracks out of over 5000 songs!

What's sad is that this is the most POSITIVE attention Jackson has gotten in the media in years-and it took his death to make people admit/ realize that despite how much they hated on him in life, he did mean SOMETHING to people. And while that something varies from person to person...everyone has some memory of him (even if it isn't a pleasant one).

The video of his last performance has been replaying over and over on CNN. Did he look healthy? Not really. Was it the performance level he gave at Motown's 25th Anniversary when he premiered the moonwalk? Hell No. But, it wasn't Britney's VMA "Gimme More" performance either, (as my friends had predicted). Ultimately, it showed homeboy could still perform.


A common, and very valid argument that critics have raised is that the Michael Jackson coverage has been so excessive that the story has been covered at the expensive of more important issues. It is absolutely true that there are more pressing issues then his death, I can't deny that. However, it is unfair to blame the lack of news coverage on important matters on Micheal Jackson. For even if Jackson hadn't died, the media would have ignored real news in favor of Farah or Billy Mays or the divorce of John & Kate plus 8. The media always has a sensational story to obsess over. Ultimately, I have been less critical of this obsession because I have been following it-thus it is partly my fault. I can't seem to tear myself away...which is why BBC is open on my laptop as I watch CNN's coverage.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm going to get bitch slapped, and maybe I will deserve it.

The media, and most of the liberal world has launched an attack on Miss California after she answered Perez Hilton's question concerning whether other states should allow same sex marriage. She stated that she believed marriage should be between a man and WOMAN.
In case you forgot her wording, I put the video below.

width="425" height="344">

Now, after reading Ann Coulter's webpage, I must express that I agree with her, somewhat. ( I HATE TO SAY THAT!!!) It is unfair to accuse miss California of "hate speech." Coulter was right in pointing out that Miss Cali couldn't have sugar-coated her answer or tip toes around the issue any more than she did. Further, she was forced to answer the question, it isn't as if she used the fact that she had such a large audience as a forum to go on an anti-gay rampage.

Now, while I don't agree with her opinion, she does have a right to her own opinion . Many people in this country were raised with the belief that marriage should be reserved for men and women. Should she have lied? Should she have pretend she was in favor of it, just to let the judges hear what they wanted to hear? Should she really sell out her believes for a beauty pageANT Crown? Again, I am in full support of gay marriage. As Chris Rock said, Homosexuals deserve to be as miserable as everyone else! However, I have a friends who have religious beliefs that lead them to disagree with me on that. They are hateful or homophobic. They don't believe that homosexuals should be stripped of all rights. But for some people, tradition isn't as easy to break.

Oh, and in response to the other part of Coulter's column...Puh-lease. We don't hate Palin b/c she's pretty...we hate on her because she's dumb. And Yes, Miss California is pretty, but Paula Jones? She looked like an aardvark.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Get ME out of Here:
Nas was right, Hip Hop IS dead

Damn, looks like my boy Eminem better watch his back! There is a new white rapper in town, and I'm not talking Asher Roth.
Spencer Pratt, the not-so-better-half and Costar of Hills persona Heidi Montag, plans to release a rap album. Roth is what gave him the urge to unleash his inner mc. Pratt told MTV "Somebody with some real swagger needed to come into the game.
"Pratt cited Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy as his modern favorites (REALLY?) He went onto add, "I'm the white Jay-Z in the game. I'm doing the baller thing. I'm more for the streets." Damn, Vanilla Ice could rap circles around this herbs. I hope I'm just being Ann Coultured and I'm just falling for a sick joke!

Ha, watch it become a hit!

"He sounds mentally retarded"-erestellea, a Youtube commenter. I second that.
Slim Shady Vs. Eminem & Hip Hop's MPD Obsession
Looks like most if not all of Eminem's album (if not all) has leaked. His recent track, " Bagpipes in Bagdad" has created some controversy as it ONCE AGAIN insinuates that he had relations with Miss Mariah Carey :::Yawn:::. Telling Nick Cannon that he he needs to "back the **** up " beCAUSE Em wants her back. He also calls Mariah a whore. The diss sparked a response from Nick Cannon on his blog. While he made good points, it's hard to take a diss from Nick Cannon seriously. I mean, he's cute but he's such a kid. I mean Jeaz, he was on Nick!
So anyway here's the Video:

not only was it not good, but it was rapped in that annoying voice-AGAIN. Plus, it was juvenile and the whole Mariah thing is sooo played out. Move on, Slim. Now, I know I have been obsessing over Em lately on here, but you must understand, I was a hardcore back in the day! Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show were my ALBUMS. I mean, I played them out. MM LP helped me survive my turbulent overly emotionally teen years. Perhaps after some play, it will grow on me as much of Lil Wayne's music. However, I don't see this becoming more than a short-term guilty pleasure at best.
Just when I was giving up hope on any music rapped in a normal voice, i read a YOUTUBE clip explaining that this was just the SLIM ShadY voice, and the "Eminem Songs" were more angry/serious and in regular voice. So perhaps there is a chance for me to like some new stuff!! After listening to a few seconds of Deja Vu...(Eminem Voice) I think I might kinda like this one.

But seriously, I know Eminem has always had the dual/triple personas since the jump-off but whats with the extreme voice changes? And couldn't he have picked a better voice? Why has cecome so trendy? why are so many artists trying to have Multiple Personality Disorder?I means so far: Janet Jackson / Strawberry &/ Damita Jo, Beyonce/Sasha Fierce, T.I. /T.I.P. Ciara/Super Cee. MJB/Brook With special songs, voices, emotions. "Oh that song was written from the perspective of my other persona." Hello, you don't have to "be different people" it's called being multifaceted! Everyone has different aspects of themselves that come out at different times, but you don't see everyday people getting all Sybil-like renaming themselves and talking in strange voices. I think Urban Music is going through it-big time. They need to visit doctor Phil or read up on Freud or something! Sheesh.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Lookin' Back, Lookin' Back Look-in' Baack
I always get internally reflective and nostalgic as I get older. Yesterday, I got to thinking about Birthday's of the past, and I starting thinking about my thirteenth birthday. Aside from the shock that that was over a decade ago, I felt a longing to go back. That was such a great birthday.Deff one of my favorites. I remember at the time, my mother was working in the bake shop at Stop N Shop. That day they were collecting for Food For Friends. At every entrance Stop N Shop employees were collecting money or food to stock the food pantry. On that day my best friend S and my cousin V were running one of the entrances. I remember how much fun we had goofing around and collecting food and money donations. We didn't goof off too much though, we made sure to get donations. In fact, we collected more food and money that day then all the other volunteers put together. Who could resist the charm of three adorable peepy 13-year old girls? Then we hung at my house until all my other friends game over a sleepover. Not that there was much sleeping going on. But there was lots of laughter, junk food, rap music, and of course-the Ouji Board. Oh, teenie bopper birthdays-How I miss you!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

How Do You Measure a Year?
I turn 24 in two hours. I have been dreading this day for months. I'm 366 days away from my quarter life crisis!! Sans the short-lived magazine experience at Cottages and Gardens Publications, 23, like 22 before it, was insignificant. I see so many people my age and younger who are doing things with their lives. Whether they are moving forward in their careers, exploring cultures of the world, or starting their families, they seem to know where they are going in life. Even if they don't know WHERE they are going, they are taking an interesting journey to get there. I'm not traveling to Spain or joining the peace core,. I haven't published a book or written a Novel. I am not auditioning for a reality television show or going to graduate school. So what the hell am I doing?

What I want for my birthday is to get my act together. While I am hoping for some advancement/direction on the career front, I want to get it together on a personal level. As in I want to stop being such a train wreck/hot ass mess.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Jay-Z took a cue from Kanye West when he hit the blogsphere this week to discuss his latest concert with Kelly Clarkson, and Third Eye Blind. Of the line-up, Jay-Z said that the concert showed racial unity. The theme of the blog seems to be a theme of Hov's public messages. Earlier this month he argued that hip hop did more race relations then any politician, so clearly racial unity through music is a focus for Jiggaman. While I'm not knocking the claim at racial unity, I'm surprised that Jay-Z is calling this line-up unique. Never mind that 50 Cent and Fall Out Boy or Eminem and Papa Roach for the original Anger Management Tour. What about Jay-Z's own Sprite Liquid Mix tour with Hobastank and 311? His album with Lincoln Park? I mean it's not Jay-Z's first time performing a diverse line up. Photo

Thursday, April 30, 2009

As the seconds ticked off the clock during the second O.T. of Game Six of the Boston-Chicago Play OFF Series, the pessimist in me had a declared the game a wrap. Then with only seconds on the clock, Ray Allen scored a three pointer,(one of nine scored in the game) pushing the game into O.T. number 3.
When Pierce was fouled out of the game during the third OT, my heart sunk. I could feel Victory slipping away.
With the Bulls at the Free Throw Line only seconds away from the end of the game, I start chewing my nails even more.
Three seconds left. Rando shoots. He misses. In the first period, the Celtics were trailing the Bulls by 11 points,after 3 O.T. the Celtics lose by one point. Looks like I will be spending Saturday Night in front of the TV. Celtics have home court advantage in game 7. I expect to see them face off against Orlando Magic in series two. Lets go BOSTON.Photo
I LoVE Duchebags

Today, while riding the subway I noticed three young guys standing together in a group. Upon first glance, I found them attractive (well, at least 2/3 of them, dude number 3 had his back to me). I had a book with me, but was unable to concentrate, as their conversation was rather distracting , being within earshot,(Yeah, I'm crazy nosy, what!)I overheard their conversation. Upon hearing it, it was confirmed that these individuals were duchebags ie: the kind of guy I (stupidly) would be attracted to.
Not only did they swear every other word, but they had an extended conversation about one of the guys interactions with a "prude bitch" who didn't want to give him head ("dude, I've known her for five years, and she's never even touched my d***, I talked her into giving me a hand job but she wouldn't give me head..." ). YUCK. They then went on to hate on their friend who was spending time with relatives from Uruguay instead of them "Dude, what are you gonna do with your family?" ::Sigh:: Why are all the remotely attractive dudes schmucks? Hmmm?
I need to stop being shallow. 'Til then I will continue being the duchebag lover. "A" is right, I need to start going to church, and bag a choir boy...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's not secret that when looking for a job, it's most often more about who you know, rather than what you know. Which is why, I have been trying to find my way to an Ed2010 Happy Hour Networking event. In the past two years, this has not been an easy task as I have always had to work on Tuesday nights, which is when the events always seemed to take place.
However, for the last month or so, I have been on a "recession schedule," working four days a week. The change has altered my days off leaving me free on Tuesday Nights, and thus able to end.
This event was held at the Justin Timberlake owned "Southern Hospitality" (I'm kinda obsessed thanks to my friend Rachel). While I admit, that right before going I was nervous, I'm glad I went. All though things started of awkward, I was able to find people and break the ice-eventually. It was interesting meeting so many people with similar ambitions and so many different paths. As well as seeing people with doubts like me. Fried Pickles, free drinks and networking-sweet. Plus, one of the dudes I met there lives in Astoria too.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Its so beautiful out! I spent the day eating and reading on my balcony. Yay for sunshine, books, and Othello's deli Sandwiches! Now work =*(

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Eminem Leak Hits Web
"3 a.m." a single allegedly from rapper Eminem's upcoming release The Relapse has hit the net. The video is below. I have played it once and am not really feeling it. His new voice is irritating. I was hoping that the voice was just a gimmick for "I've relapsed" but he has used it on this song and "Crack a Bottle." I feel like he is trying to ride the curtails of T Pain and Lil' Wayne. He was better off when he was trying to bite off NAS and AZ on his debut Infinite like Eminem has fallen off...or I've just outgrown him. We'll see this May.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shady's Airplay Slim in NYC

Looks like Slim Shady won't be getting much radio play in NYC when he releases his latest solo recording The Relapse.
Hot 97 DJ funkMaster Flex announced that he will not be spinning any records by Interscope Records on his radio program. The interscope ban is the result of an apparent beef between Flex and and Interscope representive "Nino."
While Flex didn't get specific he blasted Nino for bad decisions and declared he needed to get his money right.
Interscope is the parent company of Aftermath, Shady Records, and G-Unit records. Interscope is home to Dr. Dre, Eminem, Lady Gaga, 50 cent and Akon.
Other Hot 97 DJs are reportedly planning to follow suit.
Power 105, Hot's competitor, will not be playing rap much at all after cracking down on offensive lyrics.
Time will tell if this will follow through. I'm wondering what happened exactly?
Honestly, I don't even listen to the radio anymore though. Same five songs. I live for the internet. Photo

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I didn't blog yesterday.

Moving on.
As everyone already knows, The Catholic Church is angry about the production of Angels and Demons, The movie adaptation of the Dan Brown book of the same name. The church had a similar reaction to the book/movie's sequal The Da Vinci Code. The church is outraged by the claims the book makes about Catholicism and Jesus. Bill Donahue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, Slammed Ron Howard, Brown and the book for "smearing" Catholic Church.
I think that the Vatican and the Catholic League could find bigger demons to fight than Brown and Howard. With all the horrible wars and crisis that are going on in this world, this should be the least of their problems.
Because really, what is the damage? Most of the people I KNOW who read Dan Brown's books take them as just entertaining little stories, not GOSPEL. (Actually, many of my acquientences consider his stories poorly-written rags, but that is another story. Are they afraid that this movie will give non-Catholics a poor concept of the church? Sorry, I think all the priest molestation cases took care of that!
Or do they worry that it will shake the faith of Catholics? Isn't faith supposed to mean, believing even when you can't see evidence to supporT it?
If your faith is broken by a movie/book, then it wasn't really there. Common' Catholics, grow a thicker skin. Find something more constructive to be outraged by.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am the Anti-Literate
While in college, I was often mistaken for an English major. Amusing, because I would have made A TERRIBLE English major. Not just because of my constant grammar faux pas but my lack of interest in "English major books". Although I enjoy reading, I have very little interest in many of the academic books so-called classics. Case in point: Old Man and the Sea, The Awakening, Turning of the Screw, Call of the Wild, The Odyssey, Kidnapped, Black Manhattan, Julius Caesar, and Moll Flanders bored me to the point that I wanted to punch myself in the face, because that would be less painful.
In most of those books, there were several gaps of pages where despite my efforts I didn't even read it all. Oh, yes my eyes rolled over the text, but often my mind was thinking of something completely different. Often, after reading several pages, I would realize, I had no idea what I had just read. ::Sigh:::
I guess it was a good thing I majored in Psych? Except for that whole problem of selling T-shirts for a living.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Today, it finally looked and felt like spring! Best of all, it smelled like Spring! Bring on the Sunshine! This font reminds me of peridot =)
Songs in the Keys
While I possess no musical talent of my own, the talent of others is my prime obsession. I can't leave my house without my ipod. On the rare occasion that my Ipod head phones aren't glued to my ears, I am: Listening to the radio, playing music on Music Choice, finding new music via Youtube/ Myspace, singing to myself, or sitting in silence but wanting music instead.
The question is, can this obsession be a possible career move? Lately people have suggesting that I should try to find a career in music. Notably, my internship at
UMG was my favorite internship-I learned so much. But with a failing economy and the recording industry it realistic?
"If you knew how to scratch you'd be a good DJ...your mixes are cute," R said recently. I know there are classes I could take but I worry that 1) I'll be crappy at it. (what can I say, I have a bit of Bella in me) 2) that it isn't worth the money/ isn't realistic job.

Hmmm. Maybe I could make it a profitable hobby?

Other possibilities...Grad school for psych...?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Jermaine Dupri's idea of a Kid's Place? The Strip Club!

The most recent issue of Vibe features an interview with rapper (Lil) Bow Wow:
The 22 year old rapper discusses his hope to find a girl and settle down. Explaining that despite his youth he's had time to play the field and have fun.

He went on to say that having producer Jermaine Dupri as his mentor he was in strip clubs since he was nine-years old.

Nine? Really Jermaine? You brought a nine year old to the strip club? What are you thinking? You are an idiot! I hope JD and Janet don't plan on raising children, under his influence he'll be a baby daddy/teen mom by the age of 11!

How irresponsible! I wonder what Bow Wow's mom thought? I never liked JD anyway.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

When Did Glamour and Cosmopolitan become Seventeen and YM?

Today, while at the cafe at Barnes and Nobles, my friend B and I got some coffee and flipped through magazines.
"Can you get me the issue of Glamour with Miley Cyrus on the cover?" B asked.
"Sure," I replied rolling my eyes, not at the request but that she was their cover girl. She was 16, why is she on their cover anyway?
When I was growing up, I remember my mother reading women's magazines such as Glamour and Marie Claire etc. I remember that most of the people on the cover of the magazines seemed to be about my mom's age (twenties-thirties). Is my memory failing me or are "Women's" magazine's getting younger?
Perhaps my memory of the magazines my mother read when SHE was my age are foggy and false, but I can't help but feel like Women's magazines have become too teeny bopperish.
All three of these stars gracing the women's magazine covers shown here are DISNEY STARS. Aren't these magazine's for women in their 20s? Granted, I know teens read them, and pretty much always have, but aren't they supposed to be catering to WOMEN and not little girls?
Sorry, I don't care how "grown" she thinks she is, Miley Cyrus is a child! She is not "grown up." Anyone who has ever seen her web videos she posts with her friends that she is clearly a child (not hating, it's good. She should be acting like a kid, she is one).
Worse though is seeing Ashley Tisdale on Cosmopolitan striking a pose and trying to look sexy. I hate to hate on females, but I must say I don't find her that attractive. Plus, since she visited Serendipity (all three girls shown here have, actually).
I know that she is kind of a brat. I don't care how old she is, I can't think of a Disney star as a sex symbol that I want to see on Cosmo.Can the Disney stars please stay in Disney?
I don't get so annoyed by Beyonce and Brittany etc so much, even though teens like them, many of of their fans were kids and teens when they came out and are now in their 20s, so they are crossover celebrities.
The immaturity extends inside to the content as well. Do females really want to read about being Hannah Montana? Am I the only one who feels foolish reading a magazines with articles like "Does he like you?" in it (hello, Teen Magazine circa 1997!).
Maybe I am just in the process of outgrowing these types of magazines?
I really want a vacation. Not just time off. I need to take a trip.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am over April. Its cold and rainy. I am also over the man yelling homophobic statements at 230 a.m,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I have officially boarded the Twlight train. The frenzied mania surrounding the franchise had turned me off and had no intention of reading it. I made a similar vow about Harry Potter during the peak of that craze, and I have yet to crack open a HP book. While vampires aren't really my subject of interest (which was confirmed while reading Christopher Moore's You Suck), in this case, Twilight had peeked my interest before the movie hit the theaters. See I'm a nerd and I'm nosy. As a nerd, I spend a lot of time in bookstores and libraries so I had seen Twilight numerous times and noticed posters advertising the release of a new Stephanie Meyers book. I had also noticed people reading books in the series on the train. After seeing this book so much, my noisiness has gotten the best of me and I had to see what all the hype was about. I have already read Twilight and have just started New Moon. While the books aren't terrible, I don't understand why people are so obsessed with Twilight. The large font size paired with the large margins make it shorter than it appears, but the books are still longer than necessary. After reading the first book and first two chapters of NM I find Bella rather annoying. She's quit the "Debbie Downer" and is often self-deprecating. Her over-the top resistance to celebrating her 18th birthday was annoying and dragged on to long. I got the urge to slap her. As for Edward, I'm a little lost on why he is considered a stud? He seems so cranky and grouchy all the time. I also was annoyed by his constant chatter about how "dangerous" he was and how he "didn't want to harm her." The first time, the idealistic teeny bopper within me found it cute, though it was less cute upon second reference. And it become nauseating in later references. The book wouldn't have had to be 500 pages if Meyer didn't waste so much time with Edward's repetitive blubbering. That said, I have heard New Moon was the worst of the series so we will see. I plan to keep trekking through.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Two Grandmas came to work today.One grandma got her wallet stolen only minutes after buying a souvenir T-Shirt for her granddaughter. Around the same time, a three-year-old's Grandmother had her car stolen while she was watching "Dora on ice." It was not a not a nice day in New York for Grandmas! =*(

Big Mama For Mayor? Big Rumor
New York Daily News Reports that a man claiming to be the spokesperson for rapper Lil' Kim (Kimberly Jones) sent false press releases to the media announcing that the former Junior Mafia Chick was running for mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey. The false information was announced on various New York media outlets including Channel 7.

Lil' Kim's real publicist released her own statement denouncing such rumors as untrue. Saying that the man who wrote the press releases had no relation to Kim. The self-proclaimed "Black Barbie"(fitting) expressed her amusement of the rumor via E News, insisting that she was flattered by the story. She admitted to not being involved or very knowledgeable about politics and was flattered that someone thought she could.
I can't understand how any media outlet could have fallen for that? Not to hate on Lil' Kim, but the rapper doesn't strike me as one with a passion for politics. I can't recall a single song she's done that has made any sort of reference to any form of politic believe. Kanye West trying to become a politician is much more believable as he has voiced political opinions via song or personal blog.
Doesn't anyone fact check anymore?

Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm a Bad Catholic
Today is Good Friday, a fact which I had forgotten until about five minutes ago. It's not unusual for me to forget about the holiday and to not observe it. I can't even remember the last time I went to church on Good Friday. Or the last time I gave something up for Lent. It's not that I don't believe in God, because I do. But for some reason has never been important to me. Growing up, church wasn't a major part of my life. My family did attend church when I was very young, until I was about 4. After that, I attended CCD but Church wasn't a weekly tradition. Once I made my First Communion, my Catholic upbringing pretty much came to a halt, sans some forced and voluntary Masses with Minka (grandma). Most of the time, my lack of a religious background doesn't bother me. I am not too much of a fan of organized religion because to me, religion seems to build so many walls and cause so many unnecessary problems. How many people have died "
in the name of faith."
But other times, my life as a "perfect Heathen" as Minks would say, does make me feel bad. I sometimes wish I could be religious, and have some sort of tradition. But alas, so far that has been lost on me. I tried to fake it a few times. Senior year my best friend and I attended mass every Sunday at the Church we grew up attending.
In college, I attended Church (non denomination/protestant), Yet in both situations, I felt like a fraud because my attendance was based more on feeling like I should be there rather than wanting to be there.
Maybe someday I'll find religion. Til then, I live as a heathen.

The Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network website ( reported the suicide of an 11 year-old boy. The young man hung himself after dealing with Anti-gay attacks from his peers. The taunting continued despite his mother's pleading with school officials about the matter. It was reported that the young man didn't "identify himself as gay."
I came across this story, through my friend Nee, who had a link to it on her Facebook status. I almost cried just reading the headline. This story is disturbing on so many levels. One that student bullying was making this child feel so terrible that he would end his own life. His peers should be ashamed.
Yet the kids are hardly the only ones to be blamed. Where were the adults? Why didn't the school do something when the mother spoke to them? If the kid was being taunted so badly, how did the teachers not see anything? Not hear anything? Did they just choose to ignore it. Administrators shouldn't ignore this. Member Jenna Six? Before all the drama went down and there was a "white's only tree" and the black kids asked administrators for permission to sit under said tree. Despite having knowledge about the racial trouble that was brewing, the school did nothing, And look what happened. It's not enough for schools to worry about standardized tests scores. What good are passing scores if kids aren't living long enough to graduate?
Sadly, many of these children are probably taught this type of hate at home. It makes me sick and sad.
That is why, I could never date someone with so much hate. I would never want to start a family with some intolerant ignoramus who would pass that type of stupidity on to the children (assuming I do the married with kids bit).

Thursday, April 09, 2009

But Riccckkky, I wanna be in the Knooow!!
I've mentioned Toyas World (def one of my favorite bl0gs btw) on here a few times. What makes her blog so cool is that she gets all the R&B Gossip and catches all the good music leaks before so many other people. How does "she" do that?

That is the blog I read most religiously, but so many others are getting some interesting scoops. How are these people so "in the know"? Can you pass some of those skills over this way, Pretty Please?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

In A Pop Minute

Model Kate Moss will be releasing a Kosher Cook Book. I can imagine the recipes to be included:
Kosher Cocaine
Kosher Crack
Kosher Heroin
I think I will pass on this book. Ya know what they say, never trust the cooking of A Skinny bitch, if they aren't eating, the food can't be that good.

In more pop culture news:

"People are calling Lady Gaga the pop princess, [so] what's Heidi - the pop queen?" he added.
Asked to name five artists Montag is more talented than, Pratt said,"Madonna, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Christina Aguilera."
"I wouldn't even compare them to Heidi's level," he went on. "I am in the
studio everyday with Heidi I know what's coming. I can make claims like
that."-Heidi Montag's Boy Friend Spencer Pratt On Atlanta's Q100 "The Bert Show" as reported by US Weekly.

The statement is so Friggin' Riddicolous I can't even stand it. Bigger than Beyonce? Christina? Brit? MADONNA?

If by talent you mean: being a bad friend, having an idiot for a boyfriend, being famous for no reason, being a whinny brat...then YES! Heidi has talent.

But Hey, who am I to judge? Judge for yourself! Check out Heidi's Videos on You tube: Higher and Overdosing.

Remember back in the day, Before Usher was on married lock-down and was getting his confessions off his chest? This coincided with Justin Timberlake's debut as a solo artist and the industry was all about Justin vs. Usher? Now that Usher has taken a cue from the ne-yo song and fade(d) into the background, it seems Justin is striving to be the new Ne-Yo.
Ever since Ne-Yo came out from behind the scene with "So sick" we haven't been able to escape him. He's singing hooks on Rap records, dueting with every r&b act ever. In the few songs on the radio he isn't crooning on, h holds a writing or production credit ("Irreplaceable" by Beyonce or "Take a Bow" by Rihianna). Seems Justin's taken a page from his book.
It's been over two years since Justin released his sophomore effort FutureSex/LoveSounds, but you can't turn on the radio without hearing his voice. Between his collaborations with Timberlake and Nelly Furtado, the Madonna dance hit 4 Minutes, and his appearances on 50 cent and T.I. homeboy seems to be everywhere. Not to mention that his collaborated with all the hottest R&B chicks of the Moment: Keri Hilson, (Headsprung Remix), Rihanna, Ciara, and Beyonce. Word is that he did some of the production on Ciara's upcoming album Fantasy Ride.
I'm living for his current joint with Ciara: Love and Sex And Magic. I heard this joint a lil' while back thanks to the blog, who has all the latest news on new music releases, and underground leaks.
Speaking of Ciara, I've been playing this leak track "I don't remember" like crazy. It's expected to be featured on her unreleased album. Check for it on Youtube.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Am I the only girl left who doesn't like John & Kate Plus 8? The kids are cute and all...but I don't find the show entertaining. When its on TV, and I find myself watching it, I start feeling like such a waste of life!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sometimes, I reread my blog and become sad. Stumbling over typos, misspelled words, sentences that don't make sense, and entries that dragged on way to long,convince me that I will never earn money from writing. As I have wanted to be a reporter since I was a very little, this is a depressing thought.
When this thought takes over, I begin to think of all the wonder writers who exist(ed) and feel more discouraged. Then I remember that Paris Hilton, Fifty Cent, Ann Coulter and Candace Bushnell have all published books. These individuals have no business writing a post-it note, let alone a book. So if they get paid to "write" then damn, anyone has a chance!

"Doggie Bags" Isn't Literal!

Customer over the phone: Do you serve Ice Cream for dogs?
Cashier: No.
Customer: What kind of Ice Cream do dogs like?

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Looks like Sarah Palin will have to speak out against the media once again.
The Palin name has once again been dragged through the mud once more. It seems, Palin's sister-in-law, has been arrested on charges of robbery. She is said to have broken into a man's home and tried to steal money (it was no longer located in the same hiding spot). Better Yet, she brought he four-year old daughter with her.

Her almost Son-In-Law appeared on the Tyra Banks show to discuss his sex life with the Palin daughter-CLASSY. In the interview, he predicted that Gov. Palin was aware that they were sleeping together saying "Mom's are pretty smart."

In Dec, Levi's mother was arrested on Drug charges.

If this were me, or you, or anyone else, people would have no problem attaching the label of white trash and thinking nothing of it. Such a label would be considered fitting and justified. Yet, when such words are used in reference to Palin, it is considered "Liberal's name calling..."

Though, I must admit, the media does live to give the family as much negative publicity as possible and over sensationalizes any story that could possibly be related back to Palin. They have already extended to in-laws-what's next, the family doctor? The vet?

Despite all her bitching, I think Palin likes the publicity...I feel like she has grown accustom to the public eye, and isn't ready to go back to obscurity yet.


Friday, April 03, 2009

Herb of The Week

Car and Drivers made a fool out of Ann Coulter this year (as if that's hard)!
According to Media Matters, The site posted a story declaring that President Obama had ordered Chrysler and GM to cease participation in NASCAR as it was an "unnecessary expenditure". The article was printed (according to the C&D,) with the intention of being an April
Fool's Day joke.

At least one person was fooled. Coulter, lashed out against Obama and his alleged order in her column, saying: If Obama can tell GM and Chrysler that their participation in NASCAR is an "unnecessary expenditure," isn't having public schools force students to follow Muslim rituals, recite Islamic prayers and plan "jihads" also an "unnecessary expenditure"? Are all those school condom purchases considered "necessary expenditures"?

When I read this paragraph, the first thing that came to mind was "What public schools force students to follow Islamic Prayers and plan Jihads?" I have never heard of such a school. Maybe I haven't been paying attention, so please, let me know about all schools forcing American Students into the Jihad (Comments on a Huntington Post Story on this topic asked the same question, perhaps we are both clueless, if said examples do exist please send them my way).

Leave it to Ann Coulter to turn any topic into an assault on Muslims....Which relates to the auto business how? Her Column further attacks her other favorite enemy's-"undocumented aliens" and how much of an unnecessary expenditure they cost America. ::Rolls eyes::: After reading the passage that MM posted from Coulter's column, I was surprised to see no mention of single mothers (according to Coulter they too, like Muslims and Immigrants are the cause of all the wrong in the world), perhaps I just missed it. I swear, this woman can turn any issue into a racist attack on Muslims and immigrants.

I didn't realize NASCAR had such a fan in Ann Coulter.

I can forgive her for being fooled, but her response was just foolish.

Media Matters also reported that Car and Driver later edited the article and reposted it as joke. It has since been removed.

Photo:Google Images

Thursday, April 02, 2009

As I am a bandwagon jumper, I decided that I too would take my best shot at blogging everyday in April. Now technically, it is April 2, however, as it is only 2:30 am, I will count this as my April 1st entry.

Lil' Wayne, the rapper known for his hits "Lollipop" "Mrs. Officer" and a multitude of hooks and verses on just about every song and remix in R&B and rap, will drop "rebirth" this June. Unlike his previous efforts, The Rebirth is Lil' Wayne's attempt to cross-over to rock.

Lil' Wayne discuses this transition with Rolling Stone, explaining that he has "grown tired of rapping." Excerpts from the interview were posted on In discussing his attempt at a rock record, Wayne admits that his "rock" won't appeal to all (or many) rock fans, and doesn't seem to be bothered that the album won't be as successful or as popular as past work. Such an admission is admirable coming from in artist of a genre which tends to be narcissistic.

After hearing Prom Queen, which leaked a few months back, I am honestly not expecting much from this album. However, I give Weezy serious props for stepping out of his comfort zone and trying something new. For making the music he wants to make, even if he is the ONLY one who wants to hear it.

While some haters have argued that Wayne's success will allow him to sell rock albums no matter how much they suck because of his past success. While this is may be true to an extent (undoubtedly many Lil' Wayne Die-hards will scoop the album up without even hearing it), he will definitely face negativity and criticism, often from critics who won't bother to even listen. Just look at Kanye-and all the hateration around his new sound on 808. But art is all about evolving...even if no one is ready for the evolution.

***I know this blog tends to be a bit too culture/mtv heavy,...I'm working on that!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Today, I checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is ok to announce to be married. She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. My wife divorced me over facebook. FML


A marriage? Really...that is BEYOND TRASHY!

I have yet too jump on the never-ending Twilight band wagon, and I'm not sure if I will be anytime soon. Whitney Port, of the Hills and The City, told MTV news how terrible she considered the movie. Port, who admitted to not having read the books (shocker!!) but thought the movie was "bad" and that lead actress Kristen Stewart was "Too Serious and one dimensional."

Damn, maybe Port can teach Stewart to be more multifaceted..haha. So Thanks for the tip, Whit!

But seriously, who decided that it was essential for Whitney Port to give a review of the movie...and the publish it as "news".
Oh MTV...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"That doesn't seem like you."
"I can't see you doing that..."

Boy, do I love those phrases. They are particularly lovely when they occur during a discussion about your life aspirations and career goals. Is there a more obnoxious verbal slap in the face then being told this after expressing interest in particular career path or activity? Or worse, before you even have the opportunity to vocalize your opinion at all.
" I can see you being taken advantage of..." "I can see you being intimidated." "You'd be to afraid to do that." Just some of the wonderful phrases I have heard from people when discussing possible career aspirations. ugh. What makes someone an expert on what other people are willing, able and interested in doing? I mean, damn, people can know other people their whole lives and not really know everything about them.
When I hear people say things like " I can't picture you..."
It makes me wanna scream, "What the HeLL can you picture me doing?" Often, when I ask someone this they say something so far and opposite what I want to do, that the thought makes me want to vomit in my mouth.
In her book Thoughts, TLC group member Tionne T-BoZ Watkins discusses her song "Unpretty (based off her poem of the same name), Watkins said:

"Somebody once made a comment to me about Fanmail, they said 'Unpretty' didn't sound like TLC, I said, 'How can you say 'Unpretty' doesn't sound like me when you don't know all of me? You only know what I gave you on the last two albums."

That passage seems so fitting, so often.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Okay, at this point it seems EVERYONE and their mother has weighed in on this whole Chris Brown and Rhianna situation: Roseanne Bar, Jay-z, Terrance Howard, reporters and bloggers across the country. And now, i must jump on the band wagon and insert my two cents. n alleged photo of Rhianna, revealing her bruises from the alleged attack have recently been posted on gossip site The pictures themselves are disturbing, but what's further disturbing is that they are even posted at all.

Ever since the announcement on Grammy Night, that police were seeking Chris Brown on charges of assault and criminal threats, the media has been in a frenzy. Frankly, I find it all sickening. A google news search of Chris Brown finds over 35,000 hits. The thing that annoys me about the constant media frenzy is that the media is having a field day w/o any facts. This evident from the various accounts of the situation reported in the media: He punched her, he bit her, he choked her and threatened to kill her, it started because she punched him first, it started over a text, they fought because she gave him an std....the variations are never ending.

My annoyance at the situation isn't the gripe of a Chris Brown Lovin' Group chick, angered that he's being caste in a bad light. He deserves the bad press for abusing his girlfirend. What angers me is that the media is making money sensationalizing the story. A young woman was bruitalized and the media is seeing dollar signs. The Tmz picture is disgusting and tactless.
Equally as repulsive was the fact that MTV aired a documentary last week "Chris Brown and Rhianna Love in trouble." How they made a documentary on situation when facts haven't been released from sources of any authority is beyond me-but go on MTV, make a buck. (Toya's World discusses this as well).MTV has generated a string of non-news news stories surrounding the event.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Jonas Brothers? Really, Stevie? :::Sigh::::: Well, the song sounded slightly better when he sang it...but hey at least he's singing Superstitious =D
They might be Jay-Z's favorite band, and Chris Martin might be his boy, but they are boring. I can't get into any of there music other then Yellow.

Someone Please get Hannah Montana a muzzle...Oh, god, it's worse then Lizzy McGuire's attempt at being the next Brittany.
The 51st Grammy Awards show opened with singer-turned crack head in denial-trying to turn singer again-Whitney Houston. Was it my imagination, or was she drunk? Was it just nerves, or has the diva put down the crack pipe and picked up a bottle of Vodka instead?

In other news, Cops are looking for investigating reports that Mr. Wall-to-Wall, R&B singer Chris Brown, after reports that he assaulted a girl after fighting with her in the car. Both Chris Brown and rumored girl friend rihanna have canceled there Grammy performances, according to and MTV. As a result, Justin Timberlake and Al Green have stepped in as replacements to perform a duet.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

In my never ending quest to take to the wise words of Fiona Apple and find the better version of me, I'm made an extensive list of 2009 goals.
I say goals, rather than resolution, because resolution sounds too permanent. How often have we known people (including ourselves) who have made a resolution, only to break it a week, or a month later? Often, soon after breaking the resolution, the resolver (Calling all English that a word/the correct word/spelling? I honestly won't be insulted by any spelling or grammar criticism) often gives up, feeling deflated. The word goal however, allows more wiggle room-a degree of fudge factor. For example, if the goal is to spend less money and give up those daily four dollar latte, if you should cave and buy one on Wednesday, it doesn't have to be "mission aborted" because you can start fresh on Thursday. But, as usual, I digress.
So, one of my goals, was to read 50 books by December 31, 2009. Now, in fairness, I made this goal in Nov. 2009 and am cheating a bit. As part of this goal, I am also trying to vary and diversify my reading material. Currently, I am chugging through Sense and Sensibility and gliding through "Confessions of a Shopaholic." I am sheepish to admit to reading the latter, as I always feel embarrassed about my extensive indulgence of guilty pleasures (my addiction to pop and hip-hop, Gilmore Girls, The OC, Gossip Girl-and of course Chick-lit). Even more embarrassing-the book has got me thinking.
The story centers around a "financial journalist," who's personal finance skills leave a lot to be desired. As an aspiring journalist, who has dreamt of reporting since she was in preschool, and is instead selling overpriced memorbilia to snooty UESers and tourists, the story makes me sad. For the protaginast isn't unfocused, and thus far, shows very little work ethic or interest in her career. And Yet, she has a profossional job. While I realize this is of course a work of fiction, there are many example of this reality. I know that there are many unmotivated incompetienant, and lazy reporters, editorial assistants, public relation officers, and other office workers. And, yet, despite their lack of hardwork or concern, they hold respectible, professional positions, and I sell T-shirts.
I am in no way implying that I am the hardest worker around, or that I have the best credentials. However, I know that their are many people more incompentent and lazy then myself with more esteemed professions. Throughout college, I stayed up late, actually did the readings and wrote my lit papers, went to class, only to get a b or c or in the case of math, a D. Meanwhile, some giggly blonde next to me, who would come in to class late, if at all, reading cosmopolitan would ace the paper or test after giggly admitting "hheeh I didn't even read the book, what was it about?"

So much for "Cheaters never prosper." Puh-lease, those bitches do nothing but prosper-sickening.