Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am the Anti-Literate
While in college, I was often mistaken for an English major. Amusing, because I would have made A TERRIBLE English major. Not just because of my constant grammar faux pas but my lack of interest in "English major books". Although I enjoy reading, I have very little interest in many of the academic books so-called classics. Case in point: Old Man and the Sea, The Awakening, Turning of the Screw, Call of the Wild, The Odyssey, Kidnapped, Black Manhattan, Julius Caesar, and Moll Flanders bored me to the point that I wanted to punch myself in the face, because that would be less painful.
In most of those books, there were several gaps of pages where despite my efforts I didn't even read it all. Oh, yes my eyes rolled over the text, but often my mind was thinking of something completely different. Often, after reading several pages, I would realize, I had no idea what I had just read. ::Sigh:::
I guess it was a good thing I majored in Psych? Except for that whole problem of selling T-shirts for a living.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hemingway is boring even to English majors, don't tell anyone though! If you ever want to give the so called classics a try again, try "A Room With a View" by E. M. Forster. It's a short, straightforward love story with limited . . . tangents that are so often found in the longer length canon texts.