Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I didn't blog yesterday.

Moving on.
As everyone already knows, The Catholic Church is angry about the production of Angels and Demons, The movie adaptation of the Dan Brown book of the same name. The church had a similar reaction to the book/movie's sequal The Da Vinci Code. The church is outraged by the claims the book makes about Catholicism and Jesus. Bill Donahue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, Slammed Ron Howard, Brown and the book for "smearing" Catholic Church.
I think that the Vatican and the Catholic League could find bigger demons to fight than Brown and Howard. With all the horrible wars and crisis that are going on in this world, this should be the least of their problems.
Because really, what is the damage? Most of the people I KNOW who read Dan Brown's books take them as just entertaining little stories, not GOSPEL. (Actually, many of my acquientences consider his stories poorly-written rags, but that is another story. Are they afraid that this movie will give non-Catholics a poor concept of the church? Sorry, I think all the priest molestation cases took care of that!
Or do they worry that it will shake the faith of Catholics? Isn't faith supposed to mean, believing even when you can't see evidence to supporT it?
If your faith is broken by a movie/book, then it wasn't really there. Common' Catholics, grow a thicker skin. Find something more constructive to be outraged by.

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