Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Ladies: Men in Make-up, cool or a NO GO?

I  just submitted an article for about a report about men increasingly shopping for grooming supplies and cosmetic.

While I can appreciate a guy taking pride in his appearance, I could never get a with a dude, who had as many beauty products as I do. If I wanted to be with a woman, I would be a lesbian! 

I don't want to see a man with hair as long as mine. I don't think I could ever be with a guy who wore tinted moisturizer, owned clay face masks or who put on concealer. 

I know I might sound closed minded, but it is what is. If men want to wear concealer and broner, fine. They have the right to do so. I just find it to too girly for me. 

Ladies, what are your thoughts on men in make-up?

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