Monday, October 10, 2011

New Service lets Losers Look Lucky in Love
This article on Forbes really made me laugh.

All around the world nocheating creeps of the world are trying to bag chicks by doing everying in their power to convince her they DONT have a girlfriend: Turn their phone on vibrate/silent, not answer their phone, keep two seperate phones to keep the girls straight (I wish I could say I am making that up-but it is true!)

Now in a odd turn of events men are using their phones to bag chicks by pretend they have a girfriend.

Some oh so suave geniuses developed an sms service that allows you to pretend to have a girlfriend, by signing up at the website. You then put the fake phone number in your phone, msg it and get a "girlfriendy" response. To make it seem more authentic, put the fake number in your phone.

The Txt "Sup?" was responded too with a super-girly/clingy "I wish I was with you! :0)"

After that NIl. Hmmm. Girlfriend when from clingy to over you in 3 seconds.

Not sure who dudes are planning on on impressing with this one. This service is suppose to be that whole forbidden fruit thing.
But hey, it worked in Legally Blonde when Elle Woods pretended that she dated a super nerd-sending all females in his direction.

But still, how lame do you have to be? But for all you gameless losers out here, I'll give you the number without having to have the website in your browser history: (212) 804-6979
Just dont let your friends try to call the number or the gag will be up when the "This is not a working number" message comes up.

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