Monday, January 07, 2008,1,2766675.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage&ctrack=5&cset=true

Above, is a link to an article in the LA Times about abortion and how a woman's decision to have one is choice that effects her partner as well as herself. The article hits an emotional artery by opening with an anecdotal lead of a father who always thinks about his son Jaime and talks to often-even though this young son was never born but aborted. The antiabortion movement is currently attempting to challenge the notion the "her body, her choice " mantra of the pro choice.

Now, at the risk of sounding like a bush supporter, I must come out and say that the thought of an abortion makes me sick and sad.

Despite my personal feelings toward abortion, I am still pro-choice. While I don't think that abortion is a choice I could ever make, I am lucky-I'm not pregnant and therefor don't have to worry about making it. Choosing to get an abortion is not like choosing which blazer to wear or what pair of shoes to buy, it's much bigger. It's a life-changing decision that the woman will have to live with forever-no matter what choice she makes.

It is for this reason that I became enraged with men who are so passionately pro-life. It angers me that they should have such strong conviction about a matter that doesn't effect them. Now, the article above does raise a fair argument-men are cheated when their sex partner (wife, random hook-up, girlfriend or whatever) makes the decision without their knowledge or consent. And while I sympathize with these men to an extent, I still believe that the woman has the right to choose-because ultimately she is the one who HAS to make a choice.

If a woman gets pregnant-the man has a choice to 1) accept responsibility and discuss What choice works best for them (or her) or 2) walk away and deny any responsibility.
The woman doesn't have this option. THE woman has no choice but to make a decision-raise the child, put the child up for adoption, abortion. In deciding to have the child, it is the mother who must bear the brunt of the work for nine-months. It's not as if moms-to-be could just hand the fetus over and say "Fine, you want the kid so bad, you carry it around for nine months." Maybe if this were an option there would be less abortions or just men would be having it. So until there is some type of medical breakthrough which would allow a man to bear the brunt of responsibility during pregnancy-men need to keep there mouths shut on the subject-or keep their pants on.